Haji Imdadullah and His Deobandi Khulafa
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07-01-2007, 08:02 PM
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Haji Imdadullah and His Deobandi Khulafa
Gleaning Islamic forums and internet websites, it is extremely disheartening to read the writings of people hell-bent on misrepresenting the views of Sayyid al-Taifa Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki with regards to some of his leading murids (disciples) from among the ‘Ulama of Deoband (may Allah enlighten all of their graves).
The antagonists of the Akabir of Deoband are quite clearly oblivious of the relationship of these stalwarts of Ahl al-Sunnah with one of the leading Sufis of the Chishti Tariqa, and more so of the immense mutual love and respect that existed between them.
Hadhrat Haji Sahib (may Allah enlighten his grave) can rightly be called the “Shaykh of the Akabir,” in fact he was the patron of Darul ‘Ulum Deoband and expressed pride (fakhr) in his Deobandi khulafa (deputies). Hadhrat Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Hadhrat Mawlana Qasim Nanotwi, Hadhrat Mawlana Ya’qub Nanotwi, Hadhrat Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanwi, Hadhrat Shaykh al-Hind Mawlana Mahmood al-Hasan, Hadhrat Mawlana Husayn Ahmad Madni (may Allah have mercy on them all) were all blessed with khilafat by Haji Saheb.
Incidentally, Shaykh as-Sunnah Hadhrat Mawlana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi and Lisan al-Hikmah Hadhrat Mawlana Qasim Nanautwi (may Allah enlighten their graves) were also among those who stood shoulder to shoulder with their spiritual master in the battlefield of Shamli during the Indian War of Independence (Indian Mutiny) in 1857.
It should also be noted that there exists a group who claim to revere Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (may Allah enlighten his grave) and consider him a ‘true’ sunni, while demonising the Martyrs of Balakot, namely Hadhrat Mawlana Sayyad Ahmad Shaheed and Hadhrat Mawlana Shah Ismaeel Shaheed (may Allah have mercy on them both) . This group, however, either fail to acknowledge or seem to have forgotten that Hadhrat Haji sahib’s Grand-Shaykh, Hadhrat Shaykh Al-Haj Abd al-Rahim (may Allah enlighten his grave), not only took bay’ah (the pledge) of jihad at the hands of Hadhrat Sayyad Ahmad Shaheed, but was also martyred in the Battlefield alongside both him and Hadhrat Mawlana Shah Isma’eel Shaheed (may Allah have mercy on them all).[1]
Below are a few quotes from Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (may Allah enlighten his grave) that clearly and unambiguously highlight the position of Hadhrat Haji Saheb in relation to Hadhrat Mawlana Qasim Nanautwi, Hadhrat Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi and another historically oppressed individual, the Mujahid and Martyr of Balakot Hadhrat Mawlana Shah Isma’eel Shaheed (may Allah enlighten all of their graves).
These quotes are not exclusive and many more can be found in the biographies of the Akabir. I hope to, انشاء الله, reproduce some more in the future.
Hadhrat Haji sahib (may Allah enlighten his grave) said on many occasions:
“Allah gives to those of his servants who are not Istilahi scholars, a tongue (lisan). Hadhrat Shams Tabrezi was given Mawlana Rumi. He (Mawlana rumi) expounded the knowledge and teachings of Shams Tabrezi. Likewise, I have been given Molwi Qasim.”[2]
[Translator: “Istilahi scholars” meaning those scholars who have not studied in the conventional sense. Haji Saheb had studied both the esoteric and exoteric sciences but had not formally graduated in the exoteric sciences from any institute]
Hadhrat Haji Saheb (may Allah enlighten his grave) once said:
“If Allah was to ask me, ‘Imdadullah, what have you brought?’ Then I would present Qasim and Rashid and [say] I have brought these [two.]” [3]
Referring to the excellence of Hadhrat Mawlana Qasim Nanautwi, Haji sahib (may Allah enlighten their graves) once said:
“These kinds of people existed in times gone by. They have not been around for sometime now.” [4]
Hadhrat Haji sahib (may Allah enlighten his grave) also wrote:
“Whosoever has love, faith and devotion for me, he should consider both Molwi Muhammad Qasim [Nanautwi] and Molwi Rashid Ahmad [Gangohi] – who have combined both outward and inward perfection – my equal. In fact, they should consider them higher than me, even though in practice it is the opposite, in that I am in their place and they are in mine. They [people who have love, faith and devotion in Haji Saheb] should benefit from their suhbat (company) because such people are not found in this age. They should gain faydh (spiritual blessings) from their blessed service and with them traverse the way of Tasawwuf. Insha Allah, [by doing so] people will not be unsuccessful. May Allah bless them [Mawlana Nanautwi and Mawlana Gangohi] in life, bestow them with all the blessings of ma’rifat (recognition of Allah) and the perfections of His nearness, elevate their status, enlighten the world with the light of their guidance and through the wasilah (intercession) of the Prophet (peace be upon him), continue their faydh (spiritual blessings) until the Day of Judgement. [5]
Once some companions of Hadhrat Mawlana Qasim Nanautwi (may Allah enlighten his grave) having performed Haj, were on their way back (to India). Hadhrat Haji Saheb (may Allah enlighten his grave) advised them:
“Record Molwi Saheb’s writings and speeches and consider their worth.”[6]
Meer Shah Khan (may Allah enlighten his grave) relates:
“Mawlana Shah Isma’eel Shahid (may Allah have mercy on him) was once being mentioned in the gathering of Hadhrat Haji [Imdadullah Muhajir Makki] Sahib (may Allah have mercy on him). His outstanding traits and exploits were being related. Hadhrat Haji Sahib gestured towards Mawlana [Qasim] Nanautwi and said,
!مولانا اسماعیل تو تھے ہی ۔۔۔ کو؛ی ہمارے اسماعیل کو بھی دیکھے
‘Mawlana Isma’eel was who he was… Someone also look at our Mawlana Isma’eel!’”[7]
[1] Masha’ikh-e-Chisht (See
[2] Akaabir Deoband Aur ‘Ishq-e-Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Maktabah Arsalan, Page 233
[3] (a) Akaabir Deoband Aur ‘Ishq-e-Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Maktabah Arsalan, Page 234. (b) Ma’arif-ul-Akaabir,Idara Islamiat, Page 235 (Ref: Hayaat-e-Ashraf)
[4] Akaabir Deoband Aur ‘Ishq-e-Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Maktabah Arsalan, Page 234 (Ref: Sawanih Qasmi, Volume 1, Page 348)
[5] (a) Akaabir Deoband Aur ‘Ishq-e-Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Maktabah Arsalan, Page 234. Also, Page 206 (Ref: Dhiya al-Quloob, Matboo’ah Ashrafiyah Deoband, Page 66) (b) Ma’arif-ul-Akaabir,Idara Islamiat, Page 235 (Ref: Dhiya al-Quloob) Note: The writings of praise for the Akabir in Hadhrat Haji sahib’s Dhiya al-Quloob were, as he himself admitted, a result of Ilham (Divine inspiration).
[6] Akaabir Deoband Aur ‘Ishq-e-Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Maktabah Arsalan, Page 234
[7] a) Akaabir Deoband Aur ‘Ishq-e-Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Maktabah Arsalan, Page 234. (b) Ma’arif-ul-Akaabir,Idara Islamiat, Page 235 (Ref: Arwah-e-Thalatha, Page 277)
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