Haji Imdadullah and His Deobandi Khulafa
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07-01-2007, 10:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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It's prolly taken from Tarikh Mashaikh Chisht where Hadhrat Shaykh ul Hadith rahimahullah committed the same mistake. Many authors assume that since he was killed in the Jihad led by Hadhrat Shah Shaheed Rahimahullah, he must have died in the Balakot battle. Probably because is the only battle in the Jihad people know about. But in reality there were hundreds of battles in that Jihad, both before and after the martyrdom of Hadhrat Shah Shaheed rahimahullah.
Hadhrat Shah Abdur Rahim Rahimahullah is buried along with the other martyrs of the Mayar battle. One of the murideen of Hadhrat Nafees Shah sahib Damat Barakatum has managed to locate their graves.
There are two mass graves, the forward one contains the Khawas (Mashaikh and leaders) and the one at the back contains the `Awam. The locals don't know that there are multiple mashaikh buried there. They call it the grave of "Sangar Baba", sangar meaning trench in Pashtu (iirc). The grave is a place of ziyarah for the locals.
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