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Old 09-11-2009, 07:33 AM   #29

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Nov 2005
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Salam Muslim786

Can I just wask where you are located? Masha'Allah I have seen you have great admiration Allama Fultali (RA). I am a student at his Madrasah in London and alos had the privellage of studying Tajwwed al-Qur'an directly under him (RA).

Sorry for the late reply bro. I am also based out of London. Masha'Allah it is good to see others who also have admiration for the great shaykh, Hazrat Allamah Fultali (rah), on this forum.

By the way bro I came across this youtube video, is this by any chance you? MashAllah it is a good talk, which is given by a student of Darul Hadith Latifiyah:

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