New way to call to prayer in mecca,! bida? Did i say something wrong?
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02-10-2012, 05:16 AM
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Oct 2005
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"brother, do you put up christmas lights during mawleed? Serious question"
no, wrong box brother.
"Because im pretty sure if otehr groups did this adhaan clock thing you would be praising it,"
No, i'm known for the line, "no wonder the wahabis call you kafir"
"Please bare in mind this is a forum full of people who are opposed to ghayr taqleed so you cant expect them to base their oppinion on a random unknown fatwa/"oppinion"."
I think it's good to bring discussions like this to the wider community of muslims, if you've said all you can then let other people have their say also. Are they 2nd class citizens that they are not allowed a say?
"Why not contact an alim for a fatwa on this and whether its worth posting up your objections and what the hukm is etc and then post the response up here inshAllah. You yourself agree its not even haraam so surely there are more important issues to raise"
I'm onto that, but you need to remember this clock tower is still new and so I need more knowledge about the tower and the whole situation, thus this thread. like only a few minutes ago I learnt the lights start flashing 10 seconds before the adhan.
I can criticise them this early on here because this is only a forum, but I can't do the same in front of an Alim, without full information can I?
Any comments would only add to my knowledge and to the commentators knowledge.
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