New way to call to prayer in mecca,! bida? Did i say something wrong?
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02-11-2012, 03:10 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
sorry to say, in that case 90% of the threads on this forum of waste of time.......
...the other 10% are copy and paste of some other website/book including those of qur'an and hadith.
Ban the thread, ofcourse, typical, should the kufr in the UK ban your mosque or the way you dress, 'cos abviously they don't agree with islamic beliefs do they.
So tell me this why do you people don't like a "normal" muslim asking questions? On a level playing field people like you don't have a leg to stand on. Why are you telling me what to do, in your own thoughts shouldn't you leave that to the scholars?
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