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Old 01-26-2012, 06:42 PM   #31

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I have met a senior student of Shaikh Bin Bazz (RAH) who is a TJ. We questioned him about Shaikh Baz's stance. He smiled and said the shaikh gave his opinion based on what he heard but said the yardstick is to what the person was before and after. But some people are simply stuck with his intial response of the Shaikh for whatever reason.
I am in Riyadh and am not going out enough to see what the effort of deen is like here? From the looks of thing, nothing much happens. The friday khutba comes from authority. But I love their recitation.
Can you please provide the name of this senior student of Bin Baz (RA)? Also, compiling a list of Saudi scholars and their statements with regards to the work of Tableegh would also be useful insha'Allah. For example, I know that one of the most famous Shuyookh in Saudi, and a teacher in Masjid Nabawi, Shaykh Abu Bakr Al-Jazaa'iree, said that spending 40 days (in khorooj) has more positive effect on a person than spending 40 years in his madrasah (Medina University). However, I'm unaware of the exact reference of this quote.

Also, can anyone provide a history of why the work of tableegh is not allowed in Saudi? I heard from a brother that in one point in time, the work in Saudi was as strong as the work in Pakistan. Then, the government banned it for political reasons. However, can someone please provide facts & details?

Jazakallahu khairan
crycleascentyv is offline


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