sufism and hanafi madhab
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05-13-2008, 10:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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Tasawuff actually deals with the purification of ones inner self such that adhering to the shariah becomes easy and persistent.It is obligatory to engage oneself in this self purification process as only then do we fulfill the criteria of being the true followers of the beloved Prophet (SAAS) . At the time of the Prophets (SAAS) presence amongst the sahaba it was not essentially ascribed a name as the process would start and attain perfection immediately in the company of the Prophet (SAAS) whom one could compare to the brightest sun whose light would immediately burn away all impurities of those desirous of developing their souls but now that we are centuries away from that sun we have to work on this path in such a way that tazkiya or self purification becomes one of the duties which we perform in the background while executing our other obligations. It is just like the fact that none of the sahabis learnt the science of tajweed as we do today-- we learn it so that our recitation of the word of Allah which is a fard becomes perfect. Similarly to attain the degree of focus on Allah swt which the sahaba(RA) had inspite of being engaged in all sorts of activities involving their bodies. minds and hearts
we have to learn this science in presence of an authentic guide. The goal is not tasawuff but the goal is attaining that focus on Allah swt such that all our other aamal attain the status of ihsaan.
No madhab is complete unless one works on this front; yes one can call oneself a hanafi even when he is not engaged in self purification but naming ourselves is not enough-- to be one is different ! May Allah swt fill us with His love and the love for His beloved. Aameen.
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