sufism and hanafi madhab
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06-24-2008, 07:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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The above information which you have concerning the Ulama of Deoband and the Aqida held by these illustriouse Ulama is totally incorrects and is full of lies and slander (May Allah protect us from them)
Let me tell you straight out, BOSMONT is not a SUNNI musjid neither does the imam of that Musjid hold beliefs contrary to that of the ulama of Deoband.
Moulana Qari Salih Peck lectures in bosmont on Jumma once a month and Moulana is a lecturer at the Darul Uloom Zakarriya (the institution that AbuHajira mentioned earlier)
You refer to an 'old school' Moulana. You would be happy to know that the Majority of the Ulama in South Africa have their educational routes stemming from Deoband....
Also if you refer to Malay Ulama you would be happy to know that most of those Ulama have studied in Egypt, Makkah and Medina..... and they DO NOT HOLD beliefs contrary to that of the Ulama of Deoband........
I Suggest you get in touch with the Imam Malik or Qari Saleh to assist you,,,, better yet i would suggest you go down the road to Maraisburg and Speak to the Ulama there.
Better then that, asks the brothers in Bosmont to introduce you to Haji Amin and then take council from him with regards to Tabligh.....
I really hope that u accept this advice of mine
May Allah guide us all towards Love for one another
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