sufism and hanafi madhab
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06-24-2008, 07:34 PM
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Oct 2005
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Slmz, mospike
No, not the 'inlaws' .... I was told this by a nationally respected Moulana in the Strand some years back (he is still the Moulana of Al Jamia Masjied today.)He was the Shafii Moulana that taught me the Arkaan and other basics of Deen. (May Allah make him lofty in the hereafter.) Also in the Strand the Masjied is open to all as it should be....I do not judge other muslims beliefs - Let us leave that for Allah (SWT),I did not originally ask for advise on wether I personally should follow any of the Ulema (being referred to Ulema who's Aqeeda is not the same as my frame of references.My original question was (in simple terms) can someone out there give me info on the permissabillity of using a drum/drums whilst making Ratipul Gadat, loud zikr (standing), making a gadat if it is someone's birthday, celebrating our beloved Nabi (SAW's) birthday.
Any one out there ....?
Bro Mo.
Allah (SWT) knows best.
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