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Old 06-24-2008, 09:48 PM   #23

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Slmz, Bro SunniWaqas

I am not too concerned with what the actual Aqeeda of the Deoband scholars are, I am sure they are Saligh and of solid convictions-as for the 'proof' posted about the 'deviant beliefs' I can not comment on that as I am definately no scholar myself . The main thing is as you correctly stated is to follow the Sunnahs. Once again I am requesting (out of personal curiosity) some strong hadith based responses to the permissabillity of the 'extra' acts that are performed by some of the local Jamaat in South Africa. It was never my intention to cause any form of Fitna.

The reason for me asking this is that I am regularly invited to these Gadats etc. and I am sure it is 'OK' for someone who was born into Islaam (and into those specific traditions) not to even question it/the permissabillity in view of the Deen.

However as I've stated being a revert and a layman I naturally want to follow a 'pure path' and I've encountered brothers from both convictions (Deobandi and Sunni (?)) and they are forever putting each other down instead of embracing each other as brothers in Islaam.

So much then for the brotherhood in Islaam.....

These issues never used to bother me but as time goes on and I became exposed to Muslims with differing opinions I started thinking is there not a middle road, why the extremeness, bit scary.

May Allah (SWT) guide us all.


Bro Riyaaz
hablyShappY is offline


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