Mockery of the Hijaab????
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01-25-2012, 06:12 AM
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Nov 2005
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There is no doubt?
Gamal Abdun Nasser tortured and murdered people whose only crime was educating Muslims and calling to the Shari'ah, and he legislated secular laws.
Hafez al-Asad was an Alawi and he murdered 30,000 Muslims in Hama.
Kemal Ataturk abolished the Shari'ah courts and instituted secular law and declared himself an atheist in private.
Muammar Qaddafi removed 'Qul' from Surah Ikhlaas, mocked the hijab, declared the Sunnah not-obligatory-to-follow, said he would let the Vatican come do tawaaf around the Ka'ba, and more.
Habib Bourgiba appeared on television during Ramadan, drank a glass of orange juice, and told everyone that 'a modern country cannot stop for 30 days a year.' Also he was an evil secularist.
No doubt at all, no.
Akhi Farouk, being secularist is kufr, because it repudiates explicit ayahs of the Qur'an, like al-Ma'idah 33, and at-Tin 8.
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