Haji abdul wahab sab
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01-25-2012, 11:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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Mohtaram Maripat Sahab and Dr. 76 Sahab!
When I used the word 'spoon', it wasn't intended to be used as a blanket term to cover all the khadim. There are types in almost everything in this world, Khuddam too come in different types. The ones Dr. 76 Sahab has mentioned may fit the true definition of Khadim who do their duty sincerely, whereas there do exist the kinds who overstep in the duty assigned to them (intentionally or unintenioally).
Khayr, I don't have guts to debate with the giants like you on this topic but many such khadims do make themselves look like they are indeed spoon (and I use this term without meaning any insult to them). And moreover, if Maulana Taliban and Colonel Uncle can face the brunt from such Khadim, then who am I or Br. Pluto to whine about it.
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