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Old 04-19-2009, 07:54 PM   #24

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Oct 2005
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Assalamu Alaikum,

After reading the past few pages of this thread, I saw many posts saying things like "its impossible to overly praise Rasool Allah"! Now, praising Rasool Allah is definitely not forbidden, but a problem arises when we praise him by lying about him and attributing things to him that he didnt posses...etc. For example, Rasool Allah did not have knowledge of the unseen, as this is stated in both the Quran and Sunnah. When someone wants to praise RasoolAllah, it is incorrect to say that he does have knowledge of the unseen! Ghulow is very dangerous! What did the Christians fall into when they claimed that I'sa (Alaihi assalam) was the Son of God? What dod the Shee'ah fall into when they claimed that Ali was better than any Prophet or Angel?

I am not going to deny the fact that Al-Busairi did a wonderful job in terms of the style of the poem, however, many of the messages conveyed in the poem are highly flawed. Here are some examples:

يا أكرم الخلق ما لي من ألوذ به * * * سواك عند حلول الحادث العمم
He is saying: Who else do I make istighaahah to besides you. (Salafis would deem this a serious problem)

فإن من جودك الدنيا وضرتها * * * ومن علومك علم اللوح والقلم[
This bayt contradicts two well known concepts:

1. Allah (SW) says in the Quran “وإن لنا للآخرة والأولى”. The universe was not created from RasulAllahs generosity..etc
2. Also, RasulAllah does not know the ghayb.

قال سبحانه عن نبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم: وَلَوْ كُنْتُ أَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ لَاسْتَكْثَرْتُ مِنَ الْخَيْرِ وَمَا مَسَّنِيَ السُّوءُ

ما سامني الدهر ضيماً واستجرت به * * * إلا ونلت جواراً منه لم يُضَم
He is saying that nothing has hurt me, caused me pain..etc and I asked for his help, except he has cured me.

Allah says that Prophet Ibrahim said:
وإذا مرضتُ فهو يشفين
Allah also says:
والله تعالى يقول: ** وإن يمسسك الله بضر فلا كاشف له إلا هو

And Rasool Allah said:
إذا سألت فأسأل الله وإذا استعنت فاستعن بالله .

فإن لي منه ذمة بتسميتي محمداً * * * وهو أوفى الخلق بالذمم
He’s saying that he has a “a’hd” with RasoolAllah (basically to enter jannah) because he shares his name! Where did he get this from?

- لعل رحمة ربي حين يقسمها * * * تأتي على حسب العصيان في القسم
He states that Allahs mercy increases proportionally with ones bad deeds!

Allah says:

إن رحمت الله قريب من المحسنين .

ورحمتي وسعت كل شيء فسأكتبها للذين يتقون ويؤتون الزكاة والذين هم بآياتنا يؤمنون

وكيف تدعو إلى الدنيا ضرورة من * * * لولاه لم تخرج الدنيا من العدمHe states that the Dunya was created solely because of Rasul Allah. This is incorrect:allah says: وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون

أقسمت بالقمر المنشق إن له * * * من قلبه نسبة مبرورة القسم He is swearing by the Prophet.
من حلف بغير الله فقد أشرك.

These are just a few of the problems that we have with the Burdah. Although it does contain some beautiful abyaat, alot of it is full of ghulow and false claims. Please dont write a million replies showing that Tawassul is valid..etc. I just wanted to show why the Salafis have issues with it!
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