Qasidah Burda- Shirk?
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04-25-2009, 07:53 AM
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Oct 2005
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Assalam o alaykum,
This was posted earlier in of one of the thread regarding the same topic:
Imam Kawthari said in his Maqalat:
“Part of your generosity is this life and its companion (the Hereafter), and some of your knowledge is the knowledge of the Tablet and the Pen.”
"Concerning those who criticize al-Busiri for saying that the Prophet knows the science of the Tablet and the Pen: neither does all that is hidden, nor does all knowledge reside exclusively in the Tablet. Therefore the denial of the knowledge of the Unseen does not necessitate that of the knowledge of what is in the Preserved Tablet. The denial mentioned in Allahs saying: fa la yuzhiru `ala ghaybihi ahadan "He discloses unto none His Secret" (72:26) presupposes exemption of all that is excluded from "His Secret," signifying the negation of universal disclosure, not the universal application of such negation. Therefore the meaning is the negation of the knowledge of all the Unseen; not the negation of the knowledge of some of the Unseen. This was demonstrated by Sa`d Al Taftazani in Sharh al maqasid."
Allamah al-Busiri's statement [may Allah have mercy on him] doesn't mean that he proves knowledge of the five things or total ilm-e-ghayb for the Prophet [Allah bless him and give him peace] as this is biddah at minimum. Also it should be kept in mind that there is exaggeration in poetry.
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