Online Gold Trading - Halaal or harram
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08-30-2011, 01:12 PM
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Oct 2005
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With gold there must be Taqaabodh, which means you pay and recieve what you paid for at the same time. Otherwise its haram. As for margin trading, although little study has been done, most consider it haram based mostly on the rule "Kolla Qardhin Jarra Naf'an Fahowa Riba" meaning "every loan, that brings along benefit, is riba".
Ive read some traders argue that sometimes theres cases, where theres three parties, the brokrage firm, a third part offering the extra money, and you. So the one giving the loan is not the broker, and they say that many dont know this etc, but they were professional traders and not scholars at all.
Theres also the issue of fees added if you dont sell the same day and keep what you own overnight. I think more research by scholars should be done on this issue.
That said, I dont see how gambling can be a part of it. All businesses have some sort of risks, but this doesnt make owning a business, or buying and selling a commodity gambling. So im not sure I understood the question, what exactly do you think may be gambling, that you're asking about? The stock market for instance, isnt gambling, and that, scholars have confirmed.
Some also say insurance also is a form of gambling. Some say its Riba. Im not convinced of any of this at all and see no relevant evidence provided. But thats a whole other topic.
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