Thread: Salah?
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:02 PM   #4

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Fard obviously take top priority. However, its worth baring in mind that: A person who leaves out the Sunan-e-Muakkadah Salaah out of carelessness, or habitually leaves them out, is considered a Faasiq (open transgressor). The following ruling is written in Tahtaawi, "A person who leaves out Sunan-e-Muakkadah is a Faasiq, a person who denies it is an innovator, and it is stated in Talweeh that leaving it out is close to Haraam."
(Malfoozhaat Faqeehul Ummat, Vol. 1, Part 4, Pg. 16)

A person only becomes sinful when he deliberately leaves out the Sunnat-e-Muakkadah continuously. If due to unavoidable circumstances he omits them once in a while, then he will not be regarded as sinful. (Shaami vol.2 pg.451; Multan).
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