How do we get FAT MUSLIMS?
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12-13-2009, 04:43 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Sorry to barge in and interrupt the hermaphrodite discussion
But I think a lot of fat Muslims should be given the benefit of the doubt. They may not be greedy and/or lazy, just trapped in a life where there's an abundance of food put in front of them several times a day but no opportunities for physical exercise with the same regular inevitability.
Many jobs nowadays are sedentary. Many people are forced to commute to work by car/bus/subway simply because of the distance. Many people "bulk-shop" and prefer cars for shopping so they don't have to lug home their 32-roll packs of toilet paper and buy-10-get-2-free crates of milk etc. Many people no longer walk to a butcher's shop, then a greengrocer's, then a bakery, then carry their shopping home. In fact there is very little walking or effort programmed into their weekly schedules at all.
But wives and mothers are still wives and mothers and still cajole their children and husbands to eat "just one more" plateful of yummy food. So in first-world countries nearly everybody is well-fed but nobody is forced to burn off what they eat. With few exceptions, men used to earn their livelihood with physical exertion - carrying, building, digging, etc. - they had to burn calories to be able to afford to consume calories! Nowadays food - cheap food in large portions - is readily available and affordable. Exercise is something you have to consciously seek out and program into your daily life at the expense of an extra hour of sleep or whatever.
Having said that - fat Muslim housewives? Now, that I don't get. When do they find the time to sit down and eat, let alone remain still for long enough so that the food they eat can be converted into fat cells?! I have never visited a sister and actually seen her sit down.
And if you do see a chubby sister, then you can be pretty sure it's not immoderate eating and/or laziness that's the issue, but hormones and genetics. In fact, if you see a very slim sister, it's quite likely that she is that way consciously, out of vanity, trying to adhere to Western cultural norms. Nine out of ten women are naturally curvy and plump - after the age of thirty or giving birth to two children, anyway - and if this is the shape Allah has designed for them when they're eating moderately and keeping active, then they'd have to eat unhealthily little to be thin. The women on "Desperate Housewives" or other "role models" for the modern housewife - they are not naturally thin and muscular, and don't get that way from eating healthily and horse-riding and archery and swimming. They get that way from devoting their entire day to looking that way.
OK, anyway, back to the hermaphrodites =)
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