How do we get FAT MUSLIMS?
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01-19-2012, 06:29 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Salam alaykum.
MashaAllah excellent post by Rahmaniyyah. JazakAllah khayr,
Just another point,
I find it interesting that mukhannaths and fat people are being discussed in the same thread. I believe the two are rather inter-linked. Muslim men, it seems are no longer men, they have begun to lack the manliness of the Muslims of yore which, upon the slippery slope somtimes (I believe) leads to increased feminity and beyond. In Pakistan there used to be a saying amongst the Punjab "assi choorian ni payan" - we are not wearing bangles - you go to the Punjab now its and full of puffs and lets not talk about the underground gay scene. Shaykh Abu'l Hasan Ali Nadwi rahimahulla mentions that men need to do more "manlier" things; wrestling, competing in strength, mountain climbing etc. and parents should be encouraging this from inception - if there was a culture of strength and health reborn amongst Muslims, I believe, it would resolve the issue of "fat Muslim men" and even encourage those who are more in touch with their feminine side.
It can even be used to pull in Muslim youth. for instance the youth that i know enjoy strength orientated things, training, martial arts etc.
vids like this:
(mute to avoid music in beginning)
are inspirational creating an attitude of manliness and then using it to tie it our pristine Deen and call them to it.
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