why are muslims not intrested in learning
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01-18-2012, 07:31 PM
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Oct 2005
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Wa ´alaykum as-salam,
It is not just a Deobandi thing. I have found the same in other surroundings. There is more of a interest in attending random motivational and inspirational lectures than for people to sit down and study a text as well. People want to be spoon fed, and when they are, even then some people are reluctant to swallow the food. Ya´ani, people are lazy... plain and simple. Another thing is, as sister Sudoku mentioned, they want the big names. I suppose it may be pride and arrogance... Why should they have to settle for a lower grade mawlana when others get the big shaykh, right? It is sad indeed. It is the same thing with educational institutions, people want to go to Darul Uloom Deoband, Azhar etc, yet they have not went to the Imam of the local masjid, nor did they put the effort in.
wa'Llahu a'lam
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