why are muslims not intrested in learning
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01-19-2012, 02:31 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
It has nothing to do with salafi/ deobandi/Sufism as such...
Salafis are comprised of converts and people who were already seeking knowledge (those ethic Muslims)
Salafism appeals to the nafs,*
so it's very attractive to the glory seeker.:.. Learn *two Hadith and a you will be praised...
Salafis also runs the moderate Muslims away.... So they don't have lay back salafis... Salafism is very rigorous path to follow so few stay... This is a proof that it is not a representation of the early Muslims.
Deobandis and traditional Islam comprise of Muslims from all walks of life... From the hard worker to the lazy... And sahaba comprised of people who were hard working and lazy..... *It's a snap shot of reality...
Salafism is a fantasy that will lead to nothing... All their claims have proven to be folly... If you have the right aqidah you'll be united one of their claims... Salafis are the most divided group, they probably have 73 different sects within salafism...
The reality of the matter is this, most people are not knowledge seekers.... The ulama and the students of knowledge have always been few in comparison to people they represent...
And Allah knows best.
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