Praying behind someone who mispronounces al-fatiha?
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05-03-2010, 07:41 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Theres 2types of mistakes you can make, minor and major, minor are makruh major are HARAAM.
Major mistakes are of 4 types.
1. In place of 1 letter reading a different letter, e.g instead of ain reading hamza.
2. In place of a harkat reading a different harkat,e.g reading a kasr instead of a dhamm.
3. Stretching something your not meant to therefore adding an extra alif onto something etc.
4. Not stretching something which your meant to therefore removing an alif etc.
Minor mistakes arw those that take away the beauty of the quran but dont alter the meaning, e.g reading a raa with an empty mouth when you should do with a full mouth.
If the imams an aalim then i dont repeat because he knows tajweed hes just lazy or cant for some reason. If hes not an aalim then i repaet because he probably doesnt know what hes reading.
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