Praying behind someone who mispronounces al-fatiha?
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05-04-2010, 10:20 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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Salam alaikum
Brother, it would be wrong for a faqih to issue a general fatwa that the salah led by nonarabic speaking Muslims who butcher even al fatiha is invalid.
And one is right to beware of the temptations to seek authority over your elders, especially if you see in them ikhlas. How many decades have they been praying? How many good deeds have they done compared to you?
If the imam of your family prayers fails notably, why not gently invite an alim to your home or family gatherings to recite Quran and to gently encourage excellence in worship of Allah?
I recall the athar of an old man incorrectly performing wudu` while Hussein and Hassan (ra) were watching and were still kids. But instead of scolding the man, or publicly berating him, they performed after him, but one of them intentionally made a mistake like the old man's. The other of the brothers gently commented to his brother: no, that is incorrect, you should do it as such... The old man saw this and said alhamdulillah, these youth taught me the deen.
Gentleness with the believers. Harshness for the disbelievers.
And Allah knows best.
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