Types of mosques?
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01-18-2012, 03:12 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
First: The guidance if from Allah alone. So we turn to Allah to provide a way for us. We muslim continue to seek guidance till we die. Nothing in the world can guidesomeone or missguide someone if the search is sincere inshallah
You can go to any Masjed that call themselve to follow Sunni Islam. The others are offshoot and some are even out of fold of islam.
There are 5 pillars of islam and 6 pillars of belief. If anyone believes that
there is no god But Allah & Muhammad (SAW) is the Prophet (last and final prophet/messanger) then they are classed as muslim
. The schools of Jurisprudence is all about understanding outwardly
relegious practices
based on tried and tested scholatic methods. The working of system of schools are of no concern as laymen.
In the mean time,
go through the link below
to get things started and some basic points to realise.
The other differences you see are based on peoples inclination. Some feel they are doing more virtoues act and some feel abstaining from some acts are virtoues. Some are literalist and some are not. As long as one is classed
as sunni muslim
with all differnt inclination, it makes little or no different to laymen. You will find you will gravtitate towards one and then to other.
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