Book - How I became a Hanafi? by Shaykh Ameen Safdar Okarvi (Main Hanafi Kaisay Bana)
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12-31-2011, 07:46 PM
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Oct 2005
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It is a strange thing, but when I read the book and heard his talks, I was able to relate so many incidents, (may be all of them) and relate them to Ahle Hadeeth, and Salafi here in the UK. At times it felt like my story was being foretold.
There are some very good Salafi Brothers, no doubt.
With regards to the Shafi', well I personally know some from India who are probably the most respected within their cult. They are staunch Barelwi. It's not just some Hanafi who are Barelwi. There are many Shafi who have this Aqeedah too. (The ones I personally know are from the Prophets family, not to say that they are correct)
With regards to the British Raaj, then from what I remember hearing in the lectures, it was the Barelwi who took sides with the British and it was the Deobandis who did Jihad with them, it was the Deobandis who fought the British. The Qadyanis are not worth wasting time on.
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