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Old 12-31-2011, 11:17 PM   #25

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Yes, bid'aat have existed in India for a long time but they existed for a long time before the Ahle Hadees came into the picture. Righteous ulama of the past had been fighting bid'aat before the Ahle Hadees took to the stage. But, the reason that the Ahle Hadees attacked the Hanafis was not because some Hanafis were involved in bid'aat but because of Hanafis trying to follow a madhhab. It's as simple as that because many Ahle Hadees of Pakistan and India may be a little bit harsher than the Barelvis on bid'ah but they end up being harsh against the sunnah in their criticism of Hanafis due to their lack of knowledge. They mock positions held by a huge majority of Hanafis on various issues, such as folding the hands below the navel, not saying "Aameen" out loud - you would have even read this in the document posted in this thread, where Hanafis were likened to shayateen by misusing a hadeeth of Rasoolullah and applying the faulty Ahle Hadees understanding of it to the Hanafis. Every righteous 'alim, whether Hanafi or Shafi'i or even Ahle Hadees would realize that bid'ah is evil and would attack it. But, the Ahle Hadees misconstrue the positions of the different madhahib that differ from their interpretation as being bid'ah and that is why they mock these positions.

I don't know if they were British agents or not, but I really think India/Pakistan would have fared better if this group did not exist. Same goes for Barelvis who not only created a separate group, but forbid jihad against British India (I don't know what the majority stance of the Ahle Hadees was with regards to jihad against the colonial British).
you are right. there is more bad than good to this group. the good (according to a scholar here in SF) is simply that people in general are now more wary of bidah (actual bidah), blind following (that part is my own opinion) and the importance of sahih ahadith. i imagine lack of taqlid for a barelvi would do him good what you say ? : )

i believe the ahle hadith are like...simple people.some i know hold fast to their beliefs because they fear committing shirk and getting involved with bidah and having their name written down among ahlul bid'ah. they do not trust muqallid scholars .its nothing personal. they dont understand fiqh and usool-e-fiqh like you do Alhamdulillah. the way to tell them the truth about fiqh and bidat and shirk is not through this book (though as i said some points in this book were simply fantastic but not elaborated) but through patience, wisdom and books like zakarriya kandhalwi saheb's 'differences of the four imams'. what a masterpiece. but the way to bring them out of lamadhabiyyat is not to bash them, call them agents of british, evil etc. all ppl arent the same, even among ahle hadith.

however if someone wishes just to bash them and take out their frustration somewhere then your choice. i would simply suggest that one invests their time in showing them the right way in the best possible way and forget for a second their childish views about imam abu hanifa. if they dont accept the guidance then we are not responsible for them. Allahualam
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