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Old 01-04-2012, 11:39 AM   #30

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Sorry for the delay. The next few days translation might be slow.

Who is responsible for proofs?
Hadhrat replied, “This advertisement has many deceitful things, but only a Maulvi can understand the deceit of a Maulvi. Not everyone can see through it. Even though the author has called himself Ahl Hadeeth, in reality, he is a rejector of Hadeeth because in a famous Hadith, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has said, “Proof is the responsibility of the claimant” (Tirmidhi, vol.1, pg.249) and the worldly (law) courts also demand proof from the claimant. In all of these eleven rulings, the claimant is a ghair muqallid; the proof is their responsibility. But, in order to cover their own weaknesses, they have done the opposite by asking us the questions. An example will make it clear. The Rafidis have added some extra words in the Adhan (prayer call), for example, “I testify that Ali is a saint of Allah” etc. We have the right to ask them to prove to us from a verse or hadith that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) or at least that Hadhrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) has established these words. However, they cannot prove it even till the Day of Judgment. In order to deceive their ignorant followers, if they ask questions like the ones that this ghair muqallid has asked, that – If all of the ghair muqallids of the entire world, gather and show us a Saheeh, Sareeh, Marfu, Ghair majruh hadith where the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) or Hadhrat Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu) have prohibited us from saying these words, then we will give the person who brings us this hadith a reward of 100,000 Rs. cash. Now you should get your teacher to show such a hadith or accept that the Shia madhab is true and the ghair muqallid madhab is false, because all of the ghair muqallids of the entire world can’t bring even one hadith.

I said, “Why should we show a hadith? Whoever claims these extra words are correct has to bring the proof. Why do we have to bring a hadith which prohibits it? This question is full of deceit.”

He said, “You do rafa yadayn, and you ask us for a hadith prohibiting it. This is also deceit.” Then he said, “Look, the first Surah of the Quran is Fatiha. Its name is “Ummul Quran” and there are many arguments on this surah. Some argue about reciting Fatiha for eating, others argue about reciting Fatiha behind the Imam. All of this is happening even though Fatiha contains two main foundational rules – Tawheed and Taqleed. Those who recite Fatiha on food don’t like Tawheed, and those who recite Fatiha behind Imam don’t like Taqleed. What I mean is that neither of them want to fully accept the Fatiha.”
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