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Old 01-05-2012, 06:46 AM   #31

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Then he asked me, “If you debate with those who recite Fatiha on food, then you will ask them to bring to you a hadith that proves that you can recite Fatiha on food with the intention of sending rewards for the dead (Isale Sawab). You will also give them the right to ask all of the ghair muqallids of the world to bring just one Saheeh, Sareeh, Marfu, ghair majruh hadith where the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has specifically prohibited us from reciting Fatiha on food with the intention of sending rewards to the dead. And they will give you a reward of 100,000 Rs for showing the specific word of prohibition.” Then he said, “Go, and bring such a hadith.”

I said, “When they are the one who recite Fatiha on food, then they should be the ones to give proof of it. Why do they ask us for a hadith of prohibition?”

He asked, “Do you recite Fatiha behind the Imam or do we?

I said, “We do.”

Then he said, “Then why do ask us for a hadith of prohibition? Is your weighing scale different when buying and different when selling just like the scales of the nation of Shoaib (Alaihis Salam). Do you not remember the saying of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) that you should prefer for your brother what you prefer for yourself (Bukhari, pg.6)
Aaron757 is offline


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