God the most mercifuL?
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12-30-2011, 11:25 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I'm sorry for having triggered anger in your mind with my post.
Now you see brother what an unguarded statement can lead to? A person with even a little bit of experience
with trolls would have told you that in the OP there was practically no sign of trolling. To hurt a person who is already hurt is a bigger sin than hurting a healthy person. I do not know whether brother Darknite will return or not but if he does not then many of us will feel as if we have collectively failed as Muslims.
You didn't address the rest of my post, though- you seem to be seriously depressed and need help with that. The disturbed sleep cycle is a symptom and will only make you feel worse mentally and physically. He obviously needs restoration of faith in humanity and a few kind words from our side will cost us nothing but will be , or would have been, of immense value for him. I hope he comes back and realizes that several people were trying to help him.
I'm extremely sorry to hear what you went through, but I hope your life improves in the near future. Ameen. May Allah(SWT) guide us all closer to the right path.
Don't make any drastic decisions, you need time to heal, sometimes it takes a very long time. You're still young and I promise you that there will come a time when you are better. In reality, akhi, we can not promise anything for we have nothing. We can only supplicate and that we should.
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