Allamah Zafar Ahmad Uthamni [r.h] mentions that he and few other Ulama went to meet Muhammad Ali Jinnah in December of 1938 at the order of Hakim al-Ummat Mawlana Thanvi [r.h] and also attened a meeting of Muslim League. Main purpose of their visit was to do give dawah to Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders of Muslim League. In this meeting we urged Muhammad Ali Jinnah to be punctual about his salat. After this meeting, he joined us in Zhuar salat. Before this meeting, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was of the view that state and religion should be kept seperate. But after this meeting, he changed his views and next day he declared that Islam is collection of aqaid, ibadaat, muamalaat, ikhlaq and siasat [politics]. [Maqalat-e-Uthmani, p 22-23] Also refer to this thread: Jinnah and scholars