Things are not so black and white, brother. For example I've heard a few Ulamaa and Muftiyyoon say that a Masjid should never be closed to people because it's a place of Allah's ibaadah, which is the one of the many purposes of Da'wah and Tabligh - to populate Masajid. At the same time, I've had first hand experience in my locality of many people who've stayed in the Masjid, but used and abused the waqf. Sleeping there but not making salah etc, even to the extent of stealing books and breaking into sadaqah boxes. This happened many times. And my Masjid is not even fancy or expensive. It's actually far from it. After a history of all that, brothers who took part in the Masjid's administrative affairs decided to allow only jama'aat to make itikaaf or a person who has been approved to stay there by mashura. So on one hand you have what is matlub and maqsud of every Masjid and on the other hand, you have Masjids that deal with different situations from the people in its locality. There are shades of grey...