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Old 01-07-2012, 06:12 PM   #15

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Jinn possession is when a jinn completely controls the 'sub-conscious mind' of a person;Jinn nazar is when a jinn puts evil effects without actually controlling the mind/body.Both are jinn problems and the treatement is also the same.Jinn possession can only occur in those subjects who are mentally and spiritually weak;Jinn nazar can affect any one !

Agree with u Hazrat.. adding my two cents.. the effect of Jinn nazar also varies from person to person.. mostly it presents with uneplained fever.. frightfullness..and depression in adults. and in children it features with bed wetting.. fear of darkness.. loss of appetite etc..

Symptoms start when the patient suffered shock while on seeing something.. I had this distant aunt who was a cheerful person in late 60's.. she lived near a lake that was infamous for shayateen / Jinn sightings.. one evening she went there for some need and came back frightened.. said she saw something... but was too frightened to even speak.. she went into depression.. consulted many psychiatrists.. amils.. but of no use.. she died in that state..

second, I heared ( Bro Maripat kindly confirm its veracity plz.. if possible) That Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar ul Haq sb had a young son who once while walking down some dark alley entered a room and to his shock saw a lady in white with long teeth.. loose hair feeding a baby.. the effect of this was so profound that he devoloped fever.. and died within a few days..

Third , i have a close relative who saw them since childhood .. talks to them .. and feels nothing great about it..

case no.2 children or adults who did not witness Jinn but were seen by Jinn/ shayateen, casting thier nazar, have effects of lesser degree ..

so its always beneficial to read muwazzatain and blow on self / children after fardh salaat.. for nazar related stuff..

wallahu alam..

wa assalam..
Gozmand is offline


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