Question on homosexuality in Islam.
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01-11-2012, 02:29 PM
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Oct 2005
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I totally agree on some points of brother Amr123 of what is in the Quran about homosexuality but at the same time disagree about the consequences of sin being a homosexual results in diseases like aids and so forth. Everyone knows now that Aids is not a homosexual disease and neither is hepatitis. You can get hepatitis if u use the toilet and not wash your hands with soap and water after. You can get hep. From food and blood. What are the sins of those who have cancer, asthma,dwarfism,moto neuron diseases, polio, malaria. In other words there are more heterosexual diseases than homosexual ones?!!!!As to the question of pride,every sin done is swept under the carpet so as not to show its ugly side to save the reputation. Believe when I say homosexuality is practiced everywhere in the Muslim world and not just a western is practised more so in the Muslim world than in the west. Those innocent little young boys in Madrasas all around Pakistan are being fondled by these so called Mullahs all the time. They are taken away from their parents so as to make them religious. They are stuck with these monsters and they take advantage of these kids. For I know because I am one of those kids. I was twelve. Now don't tell me about turning their faces away when they see a beautiful boy. That's a lie. I am 55 years old now and am trying to get back from being away from a practicing Muslim after going through the torment every time I want to read the Quran or do Salah I think about it,it just kills me and I stopped it. I have just started going back to it and someone like Amr123 just gets my blood boiling. What does Allah say about haemophrodites. Just in case you don't know they are the ones with both gender male and female? Didn't he create them. What's the fatwa upon them? Did we ever question why Sallalahu alayhi wassallam told us not to bury children? Do we fail to realize it could be because of pride ,shame or maybe reputation or maybe the child was deformed. Every creation is from God. Homosexuality is not a choice. It is in your D.N.A.
And for the person who says I am not gay but I used to be a bisexual!!!! What?? ? So that makes you one better than the gays is it? Typical. One who takes get a higher morality ground than the one giving it?? You are both in it. Don' try to separate yourself from the other. Without the takers there won't be any givers.
Lastly I say people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Let the one who hasn't sin cast the first one
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