Question on homosexuality in Islam.
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01-11-2012, 05:42 PM
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Oct 2005
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السلام عليكم
Why are people arguing?
The issue isn't whether being gay is genetic or not, it may be, it may not be. The important thing is it is not something that Allah SWT dislikes and is prohibited. A person who has these desires who refrains from acting on them will be rewarded just as the straight men and women will be for guarding themselves against normal zina. In fact, I would argue that the homosexual possibly has a greater reward (Allahu A'lam) because a straight man has the ability to get married and fulfill his desires in a halaal manner. A homosexual doesn't have that chance and has to either change his sexuality (very rare, especially if it does turn out it is something influenced by genetics) or live a life of celibacy and battle with his desires his whole life. For that reason I really do think the gay Muslims out there who refrain from sexual contact or looks at other men really should be applauded and supported. Unfortunately this is not the case.
Finally, I remember years ago when the genetics argument came out and Muslims across the globe argued that it would be unfair on a homosexual to have no say over his sexuality due to his genes. Incidentally, I was also one of those Muslims. We should realise that it is immense arrogance and ignorance to say that Allah SWT would not do something without proof from Quran/Sunnah. If Allah SWT decides to test someone by making them gay genetically, it is similar to the person who is born blind, or deaf, or with cystic fybrosis, or whatever affliction they have from birth. It is their particular trial which Allah SWT has decided to put them through and we should respect that and help those individuals.
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