Question on homosexuality in Islam.
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01-11-2012, 07:14 PM
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Nov 2005
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I don’t think we are born gay but we can develop ‘gay’ feelings and desires if we don’t control what we see and hear. That’s why men are not allowed to look at nude men (not just women) and women at nude women. The shuyukh took it a step further and refrained from even looking at the faces of handsome boys. I’m sure if we did a survey we’d find that a big chunk ‘gays’ indulged in looking at haram pictures, videos etc before they chose to be ‘gay’. Then as they persisted in that, Allah SWT took away their natural desire for the opposite gender (see brother amr’s post).
Being gay isn ot genetic or natural like being born deaf or blind. If it is then why was the crime of Lut (AS)’s people unprecedented and so shocking? Surely homosexuality would have been present alongside the presence of birth defects like blindness and deafness in previous nations if that were the case.
I also think its possible for someone just not to have feelings for the opposite gender but that doesn’t mean theyre attracted to their own gender by default theough they themselves might believe that.
Finally, let our Muslims never despair of their condition; there’s always endless hope for even the most sinful of sinners amongst us. Let them make tawbah insha Allah and do mujahidah against those attractions they feel until Allah SWT finally removes it from their hearts or they die in that mujaahadah forwhich Allah SWT will reward them fantastically.
Walahu a’lam
May Allah SWT protect us and help our brothers and sisters who have wronged themselves. Amin everyone. Barak Allah
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