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Old 01-11-2012, 05:45 PM   #39

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This reminds me of the concern that Umar (ra) had when Rasoolullah was lying on the floor.

Even if in Islamic point of view there is nothing wrong with driving a taxi, I think the concern of our brothers here arise from genuine love for the Ulema. It would be better if the Ulema had better income so that they can spend more time in spreading knowledge. May Allah protect our Ulema and give them barakah in every aspect of their lives. Ameen.
Salaam Bro

And this is exactly where my "different perspective" comes in. In the UK (specially in London), if you want a "decent" income (which is still undefined on this thread), you need to be working long hours and be ready to mix in a non-halaal environment. It is much easier for a Talib ul Ilm or a "Mawlana" to continue seeking knowledge, praying in jamaa'ah, giving da'wah, protecting himself from a potentially haraam environment if they are not in such a job. Driving a taxi may actually prove to be more flexible!

Of course, there are some alternatives:
> Ulaama working in masaajid should be better paid. The trustees should go into such an arrangement.
> A central pool is created which Tullab ul Ilm can apply to if they are facing hardship. There could be a "London" pool for example.
> Having your own business (which has been the way forward since the beginning of time)

And if what we are concerned is "Income" as opposed to "Perceptions" - then driving a black cab can get you £50,000 p.a. no taxes - is that good or what?!

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