Using a regular toothbrush equal to using a miswak question?
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01-10-2012, 07:55 PM
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Oct 2005
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Using a regular toothbrush equal to using a miswak question?
Can we use a regular toothbrush made of plastic and get same reward as using a miswak? isnt the wisdom and reward purely because we are cleaning our teeth with an instrument and not because of a particalur tree? I always thought that islam teaches us to be clean at all time whilst making wudu we should be clean and pure whilst making salah, so just cleaning our teeth removing food particles, plaque to make the breath smell is the reasoning behind rather than using a miswak.
what if the arak tree wasnt available in a country and a layman used a normal toothbrush?
again were there other instrutments of cleaning the teeth at the time of the messenger (saw) which would indicate that it was speciifcally miswak and not say a bark from another tree..
could someone elaborate on this matter? perhaps someone who understands how to derive meanings from the hadith can prove that it is specifically the miswak as we all know it and not any dental instrument.
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