Question of food
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01-11-2012, 09:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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As-salamu ´alaykum Sidi,
As you know the sunnah is to settle for only a few morsels of food. We often speak of filling one third with food, one third with water, and leaving a a third empty. But we often forget that this is the maximum, and that to eat and drink even less is what is preferred according to the Hadith. Our Mashayikh have always given us the following reminder:
"If you eat a lot, you drink alot. If you drink a lot, you sleep a lot. If you sleep a lot you are neglecting (missing out on) the Dhikr of Allah."
As you know, this requires discipline, which comes with practice and patience. Remember to always (which I am sure you do) recite the sunnah adkhar before sleeping and to sleep on your right. If possible, go to sleep straight after Isha.
wa'Llahu a'lam
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