Right, so the actions are forbidden, but the question is- who is doing them? it is not answered by the media, and there is no point in doing condemnations of whom the media says is doing bad things. Why is that? because the media is a bunch of lying kuffar, so what is the point of listening to the media and saying 'well the MEDIA SEZ THAT BOKO HARAM IZ DOIN THIS SO I CONDEMN IT.' How do you know it's even happening that way? And furthermore, what does your 'condemnation' do? Kaafirs will blame Islam anyway, they don't care if you condemn it or not. In the US, there is a joke- whenever a Muslim does something anywhere in the world, CAIR issues a press release. Nobody 'cairs' if you'll pardon the pun. They are not printed and they are probably thrown away unopened as the wolves in journalists' clothing descend savagely on some new reason to attack Islam and the Muslims. mh- do you think their actual name is 'Boko Haram?' it's a derogatory nickname given to them by the media. Look, I'm not saying that the actions which they are being blamed for are good. What I am saying is twofold; 1) There is no benefit in condemning them or doing anything whatsoever about them, including discussing them, unless first-hand information is had, and none of us have that now and none of us will have it in the near future. 2) see #1.