Dhobi ka Kutta on SF
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01-08-2012, 04:32 PM
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Oct 2005
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There is a young boy under obvious distress.
This is not to the time to remind him about his shortcomings.
This is not the time to remind him of his sins.
It is painful to see the reactions that have been posted. Indeed yours truly must be the one who must have been indulging in excessive sins otherwise a hapless boy who came to his fellow Muslims for a few words would not have been treated in this way. Why do our Masha-ikh cry in the late nights? Why did our Sahab (RA) cried during the nights? Why did our beloved Prophet(PBUH) cry for whole of Ummah? I hope their desire would have been to make us people of Taqwa. If we had fear of Allah(SWT) we shall not make jest with a man in distress - let alone making jest of a boy under stress. Innovators, Qur'anists, dirty film makers come and hurl the choicest abuse on our face and we just take it on the chin. Some thing wrong must have been done by us otherwise how could be be so insensitive? How sure are we of our own outcome?
Brother Original Poster please change your user name, perhaps with help of the moderators. May be you can use haqir-faqir together because both of these individual names have been taken.
Here is a relevant background. Once up on a time there was a wealthy businessman called Narsi Bhagat (devotee) in the state of Junagarh, Gujrat. He had a daughter but no sons. At a social occasion in the family in which his his daughter was married his sons were supposed to give some monetary gift to his daughter. The name of the gift is called bhaat. Since he had no sons the duty fell on him but he was already broke. Because of the complex maneuverings of mythology Narsi was already broke. Because of further subtle spiritual disposition on part of Narsi Bhagat the gods were pleased with him. And the god of the riches, Kuber, showered the in-laws place of her daughter with gold coins in final climactic and touching scene. The washer man of the city started collected the coins falling in his courtyard but that is when he thought that the coins at the washing shore (ghaat) might be taken by some one else to he rushed there. He found nothing there and when he rushed home some one has cleaned his home too of the coins. Washer man is Dhobi and because of his greed he lost everything. So to rub the things further he got compared to a dog also. I stand corrected by the knowledgeable people about the details - particularly on a forum where so many Gujratis are there.
So brother OP the way of life of a Muslim, as told by our Elders is:
Gir pade (We feel down)
Gir kar uthe (We got up)
Uth kar chale (We walked away).
Repeat as many times as you have to. That is the life of a Muslim. I shall tell you an event that I personally experienced. Because of a certain event I lost all the gains of a struggle of many days. I abstractly and obliquely told this to a person who is a pious person. I did not have the courage to tell him directly. He coolly told be that incidents in out life do not was out our hard work of days - they wash out hard works of weeks and months.
So welcome to the company of the faulty people.
We came to this world with nothing - even those who are born with a silver spoon in mouth.
We shall leave this world without any thing.
The pain a Muslim feels at the inconveniences of this world might be the certificate or the gate pass to Jannah.
Please write back as to how your are feeling.
And my sincere apologies to others whom I might have irritated. If you are convinced then ask again - I shall apologize once again - till you forgive me - Insha Allah.
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