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Old 01-08-2011, 08:53 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
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ahhh yess HAzrat Mehboob zakariya bhai haha MashAllah he is memon and i'm related to him MashAllah he lives in the next street in karachi to me and has bayan every sunday after asr MashALLAh harzat sab is soooo amazing his face, bayan specially!!, his love for Alah u can see on his face sucha beautiful person I love him.. he told me once : how long it takes for a highschool degre? u spend 12 years to get a highscool u think the Love of Allah''s degree will come in one day , or one week, or even one year, bhai it takes time" mashaALLAH wi oudlr ecommond every brother who can make it togo I miss him
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