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Old 01-03-2012, 08:20 AM   #31

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Oct 2005
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First of all there is a ignorance in understanding the concept of Madhabs. Madhabs are not 'sects'.

A sect will claim that it is the only right path. Madhabs unanimously agree they all are in the right path. It is why the people following Madhabs are called Ahle sunnah wal Jamaah. Madhabs are based on permitted differences in opinion regarding only 'Fiqh' matters. This was permitted by Rasoolullah at his time, when the Sahabah interpreted differently. Take the best scholars of Islam, they have after their name, As-shafi', Al Hanafi, Al Maliki, Al hambali. Yes the best of the scholars followed Madhabs, and they are the inheritors of knowledge from the Prophet . The Imams of the 4 school of thoughts were Salaf themselves and took knowledge directly from the best 3 generations, the Sahabah, Tabieen, Tabi'tabieen.

There is NO division here. The only reason the forums have Madhabs listed is to help people to clear Fiqh doubts according to the Madhab mentioned. This notion of 'Madhabs are bad' they cause division are actually a distraction and a trick of shaytaan to take us further from the truth. There is Not a SINGLE unbroken chain of Quran and the Sunnah which do not have the Scholars of Madhabs in them. Don't you get it, the Connection of The knowledge from Rasoolullah passed on to the Sahabah are the Scholars.

The REAL division in the Muslim Ummah is NATIONALISM. If you want to see division and discrimination among Muslim TODAY, look at nationalism. Muslims today do not ask which madhab you are from, rather they ask which country you are from. Their is no racism with regards to Madhabs, but RACISM exist with Nationalism. We have Muslims on both sides of the war, killing each other in the name of 'patriotism'. THIS is the real DIVISION. Think brothers and sisters, think. The Imams of Madhabs were students of each other and held each others in high regard, they did not catch each others throats. But today we muslims are at each others throats in the name of Nationalism.

If we look around in real life, it is rampant. NATIONALISM is what DIVIDES our Ummah. Not Madhabs.
very very very good post mashallah!!!

jurisprudence is simply a branch of islam and in this branch four schools have emerged. just like universities in different cities with thier own name but all the universities have the same curiculam. in the same way the curiculam for the madhabs is the same it is the quran and sunnah they just have different names.
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