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Old 01-03-2012, 12:44 PM   #32

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I have been muslim for all my life and actually know the leader who initiated the Salafi dawah movement in UK and publised a lot of the books and their take and your take is wide apart. Know this we are not madhabist which is devisive. As for political power, this is obvious in all walks of life. One is always dominant based on the level of scholarship in the land. Hence you have Malaki School has prominance in Africa and former Muslim Spain. So is Hanafi schools in parts of shams, indo pak and former sovient union.
Did you even read what others have written? So you think the salfs are wrong along with sahaba who also differed! Delusion of greandeure!! The fact that you are comparing science of deen to a football says a lot about your grasp of relegious knowledge!!
You are full of supposition and come to think of it talking to someone who knows zilch about the madhab and methodology, history is a waste of time.
INSHALLAH We will never unite under the lamadhabi Fascist. Ironic is it not - breeding dissunity in the name of unity!! It was the la madhabi who started us vs you among the laymen ( one would think this is aqida issue for the lamadhabist, perhaps it pathological syndrome and deseassed heart!!
mincarlie.frymyer is offline


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