One God, One Book, Many Divisions...
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01-03-2012, 06:53 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
It is regretable that accusations come so easily.
I put forth to you the argument of how the "them vs. us" mentality functions, and yet you cling that it will not happen because the differences are "not enough" for you to wage war against one another --- Sunnis will stand together no matter what Madhhab they are from...
Yet you don't look at the History of conflicts and the nature of people. People seek out differences among themselves in order to distinguish themselves and to create the "us vs them" as part of feeding the ego and saying "we" are better then "them".
A classic joke regarding this matter:
فيه يا بوصالح؟
بوصالح: قاعد افكر بديننا الاسلامي ماشاء الله منتشر في أقاصي الارض وأدناها.. شوف شكثرهم في الصين والهند
بو راشد: اي ماشالله
بو صالح: بس تدري يا بوراشد.. هذول ما يعرفون من الدين الا القشور.. أشكالهم مثل الكفار.. ما يشابهونا الا بالصلاة.. تبي العلم وانا خوك.. الدين الصحيح عندنا احنا العرب.. احنا اللي نفهم القرآن والسنة عدل
بوراشد: عز الله انك صاج
بوصالح: والصج ينقال.. مو كل العرب بعد يفهمون الدين عدل.. عندك هالزلمات وهالمصاروة والمغاربة الدين عندهم مدري شلون قايل.. الدين طال عمرك عندنا احنا في الجزيرة العربية ! ء
بوراشد: اي وانت الصاج
بوصالح: والله حتى الجزيرة ما خلت من الخمور والاختلاط والسفور.. الدين بس بالسعودية! ء
بو راشد: أن اشهد انك ما كذبت
بوصالح: بس بيني وبينك بوراشد.. أهل الشرقية ما يغطون وجوه حريمهم.. واهل الغربية صار عندهم اختلاط.. والجنوب انتشر فيه البدع والعياذ بالله.. الدين الصح بالقصيم وبس .. أهل السنة والجماعة
بو راشد: عدل عدل
بوصالح: أقول.. بس طالعين لنا هالشباب هاليومين بالتفحيط والتدخين ويسمعون راشد ومجيد.. الفرقة الناجية وانا خوك في بريدة ! ء
بوراشد: أنت صح
بوصالح: بس والله يا بوراشد شوف أهل الفريج اللي جنبنا.. حاطين دشوش على سطوحهم اللي تعرض الفسق والفجور.. خذها مني.. الدين عند فريجنا وبس
بوراشد: الله يفتح عليك
بوصالح: أقووول بوراشد.. ما تلاحظ الجماعة صاروا ثقال على الصلاة شوي؟ ما قمنا نشوفهم بالمسجد على طول.. بوراشد ما بقى الا انا وانت! ء
بوراشد: مممممم؟؟؟
بوصالح: بس بوراشد اشوفك هاليومين ما تخشع بصلاتك زين !!
Basically the story goes that 2 old people are talking about how blessed they are to have Islam and they are not like those in India and China --- "Thank God we are Arabs". Then they talk about how not all Arabs follow proper Islam, to look there and here and they say "Thank God we are from Saudi Arabia". Then they talk than not all those Saudis are following proper Islam etc and they say "Thank God we are from the north"...
Until the very end they say to each other "Only us two follow proper Islam"... and then the friend turns to his friend and says "You know, I notice these days that YOU are not doing '7ashi3 in your prayer..."
Look at the Jews and Christians and how many different books they have, how many different divisions they have, how many languages they have, how many translations of texts, etc. We are NOT like them because the greatest Miracle of God is between our hands -- the Quran -- untainted and pure word of God. We talk about ONE God, ONE book... and then falter from there on out...
And I second the nationalism division that an other poster mentioned! Yes! -- who put forth these nationalist divisions? Who divided the Arab nations into countries and borders that we see today? Was it not the colonists, whether English or French? Was this not all one Islamic nation? We need to unite nationally as well... but when you unite nationally... what will happen when you do that? You would still be dividing Muslims into categories of Arabs, Africans, Asians, etc. They are all Muslim and yet you divided them down.
And if you unite those categories, you still would be left with the categories of Sunni Shiia --- and within those you would have the Madhhabs... Where does the segregation stop?!
I told you that we need to start small and in THIS FORUM, need to discard of the labels under our names of "Madhhab" -- simply say 'Muslim', and that is all that matters.
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