One God, One Book, Many Divisions...
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01-03-2012, 07:11 PM
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Oct 2005
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I have personally witness someone adherent to Shafi school of thought being corrected in Shafi Jurisprudance by a scholar adherent to Hanafi Schools. I also know Staunch Hanafi scholars writing extensively in Malaki Schools, highly regarded by Malaki Scholars of today!!
It seem the only people seems to have problem are those sick in mind and projects their idotic notion of relegious sciences on others. Go away!! Which part did you not understand: we are not madhabist but adherent to school of thought!!! Do you get into some sort of brain ceaser the moment word differing props up!! Had enough of this! Salam and now go away!! Never will we ever invite under moronic notion of relegious sciences.
Do you even know under the command of Ghazi Salaudddin Ayubi there were people of different schools of thoughts and also sufis of various methodology!! I guss not!! Now go away!!
The la madhabi when spend enough time do end up rejecting the hadith!! Punishment for the sick and deseassed people!! I differentiate between ghair muqalid,Salafist and Lamadhabi!!
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