Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad - Basic Seekers
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12-20-2011, 05:31 PM
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Oct 2005
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Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad - Basic Seekers
I recently try to contact Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad thorough the
for the reason to be one of his mureed and get reply from his assistant (Staff) that there is no representative in my country. Here was the reply...
Walaikum assalam,
Currently we do not have any representatives in your region to refer you to, but we do advise you to stay connected to the website and start the dhikr mentioned in the 'Basics for the Seeker' section. We also advise you to stay connected to your local masjid and the local ulama, wherever you can find them and ask them to take you under their wing and teach you. InshaAllah you will start seeing the effects. My question is that since they mentioned "start the dhikr mentioned in the 'Basics for the Seeker'", does it mean I'm allow to perform that regular Dhikr? which actually I have started but has doubt in my mind that I'm doing it without the Shaykh permission (Bayat). Here is the basic for the seeker section
Would appreciated if there are any mureed of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad here could help me with this concern.
Looking forward. Jazakallah!
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