Amals in your masjids
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04-16-2009, 08:25 PM
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Oct 2005
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Amals in your masjids
what amals (programs) are conducted in ur masjids, lets share, so that we can study and implement in our own masjids
i will begin with mine, i mostly attend two masjids and the programs there are
1. Masjid e Quba
- daily tafseer after fajar for 10 or 15 minutes (read by imam of masjid)
- then fazail e amal upto ishraq (masjid war jamat)
- daily reading of Mariful hadees(sometimes Fazail e amal) and then two points from Talim ul haq after asar
- daily talim after isha
- Tuesday gusht after magrib and bayan after isha
- every friday Tafsir e Quran by one of great scholars of india MUfti Abdul Moqni sahab student of Hazrath Salman who is son-in-law of Moulana Zakariya :rah:
some great personalities who attend masjid often
- Mufti Abdul Moqni sahab
2. Masjid e Noor (which has hifz madarsa)
- daily islam ke aqaid after fajar, if Qari Amir ul hasan sab comes then he will do naseehah to his shagirds
- daily reading of hadiths(or fazail e amal) after asar. if qari Amir ul hasan comes then his nasihah
- fazail e amal after magrib(masjid war jamat)
- daily serath(life) of Prophet
after isha
- wednesday gusht after asar and bayan after magrib
- every last sunday bayan of any ulema by ulema-e-Dawat ul haq
some great personalites who attend masjid often
- previously Abrar-ul haq
- Qari Amir ul hasan sahab'
- Mufti Nawal ur rahman sahab
- Abed khan sahab
- Mufti Abdul Moqni sahab
- Moulana Abdul Qavi sahab
these are routine programs, its a different thing that i rarely sit in that
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