Mountain of Qaf
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10-18-2009, 02:24 AM
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Oct 2005
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those who believe this is crazy and unbelievable, then ask those who have astral projections, they will give testimony of the other plains of existence, beyond the sensual world, they saw. Ask those who had Near Death Experiences, and they will describe matters that seem very amazing, things that are reality but we cant see from this worldly plain.
also not going that far..ask anyone who had vivid or lucid dreams, in which seeing places in grandeur, beauty, sharpness and clarity they never saw before, and seeing spirits of dead ones, learning from them personal realities/situations of which they had no previous knowledge in the awake stage; all of these are realities taking place in spaces and places that are distinct and different from this plain of existence that we see the materialistic world around us.
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