Thread: Mountain of Qaf
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Old 10-18-2009, 10:56 PM   #38

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Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Just some things I found on Google - I don't know the accuracy

In Tafsir al-Tustari, under Suratul-Qaf it is mentioned:

"His words, Exalted is He:


[With this word] God, Exalted is He, made an oath by His power and His omnipotence. In its outer meaning it refers to the mountain which surrounds this world, which is the first mountain God, Exalted is He, created. Then after it, He created Mount Abū Qubays, which is the mountain which rises above Safā. Beyond this, by a distance of a one year's journey, is a mountain behind which the sun sets, just as He said: until it [the sun] disappeared behind [night's] veil [38:32]. It has a face like a human face and a heart like the hearts of the angels in gnosis. (fi'l-ma'rifa)."

In Tafsir Ibn Abbas:

"And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said in the interpretation of Allah's saying (Qaf.): '(Qaf.) He says: it is an azure mountain overlooking this world, and the colour of the sky takes from it; Allah swore by it, (By the glorious Qur'an) and He swore by the glorious, noble Qur'an,"

From Rumi:

"Zu'l Qarnain journeyed to Mount Qaf;
He saw it was formed of a bright emerald,
Forming as it were a ring round the world,
Whereat all people are filled with wonder.
He said, "Thou mighty hill, what are other hills?
Before thee they are mere playthings."
The Mount replied, "Those hills are my veins,
But they are not like me in beauty and importance.
A hidden vein from me runs to every city,
The quarters of the world are bound to my veins.
When God desires an earthquake under any city,
He bids me shake one of my veins.
Then in anger I shake that vein
Which is connected with that particular city.
When He says, 'Enough,' my vein remains still,
I remain still, and then haste to perform my work.
Now still like a plaster, and now operating;
Now still like thought, and then speaking my thought.
But they who are void of reason imagine
That these earthquakes proceed from earth's vapors.

Jalaluddin Rumi (13th century CE), Masnavi I Ma'navi IV:9"

And also something from a book on an anti-Islamic website:

"In the Qisasu'l Anbiya we read that 'Abdu'llah bin Sallam one day asked Muhammad, 'What is above (or behind) the earth? 'He said, 'Mt. Qaf.' The other inquired of what Mt. Qaf was made. Muhammad said, 'Of green emerald; and the greenness of the sky is owing to it.' 'Thou hast spoken truly, O Apostle of GOD! What is the height of Mt. Qaf?' He said, 'It is five hundred years' journey high.' The other asked, 'How far is it round?' He replied, 'Two thousand years' journey round' (Qisas, p. 5)."
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