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Old 05-12-2011, 04:29 PM   #22

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Oct 2005
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Does the 41 Yasin need to be read in succession? I have read 8 so far, still more to do.
In shaa Allah we keep making du'a for your daughter.

What we have heard from our mashaikh, is that it is very rare that someone makes sadaqah for the fullfillment of a need, without seeing it fullfilled...and this is also experienced, and the ahaadeeth also support this. One of our mashaikh particularly insisted on the matter with me once, while relating what one of his greatest mashaikh told him.

if you allow me, I can make sadaqah of $1 for your daughter; we have more access to needy people here in our country.

May Allah ta'alaa cure her.
poRmawayncmop is offline


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