JZK Brother for such an interesting post; much appreciated And I would like to say that if one offers you their Salaam, the normal way to respond would be to say (not ) Hope you're not offended, Brother. So to re-cap, is the 10th of Muharram on Thursday (in the UK) ?
Wa alaykum salam Monthly Calendar For Muharram 1432 Attached Calendar for the Month of Muharram 1432 Many of us made the effort throughout the UK to sight the Hilal of Muharram but due to heavy clouds in the south and patchy clouds in the north we were not able to sight the Hilal. However we have received news of actual sighting (Muhaqaq Ru'ayat e Basri) from South Africa confirmed by Jamiatul Ulama KZN. We therefore had 29 days of Dhul Hijjah. Islamic New Year and the Month of Muharram 1432 will commence from Tuesday 7th December 2010 (from Maghrib on Monday evening) Insha Allah. Day of Ashura, 10th of Muharram will be on Thursday 16th December 2010 Insha Allah. Saudi Arabia had 30 days of Dhul Hijjah and will also commence the Month of Muharram from Tuesday 7th December based on the pre calculated Umm ul Qura Calendar.